sábado, 26 de abril de 2014

Assassins Creed 4, why should I buy it??

Here are some reasons why you should buy it:

 1. - One of the first things that will impress you in Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag is its size. The open seas are huge, and the areas are filled with activity and objectives that come and go at a constant clip. The world is so big that you’ll need use fast travel every now and then, but only because you know the space between your current and next objective will be way too distracting and long to survive. In fact, there’s almost too much to do in this space. You can’t go two minutes without meeting a shipwrecked sailor, picking up cargo, engaging in naval combat or harpooning a shark. The diversity and constant barrage of activities makes this world seem alive and addicting all at once.

 2. - The naval exploration, combat and upgrades all feel fantastic in Black Flag. You’ll command the Jackdaw on the seas of the Caribbean, and you’ll love it. Naval combat is fun and everything about the experience is rewarding. You get new weapons, the ability to seamlessly board and loot any ship you've defeated and even an online ship convoy mini-game. As you outfit your ship and bring new crew members aboard, a sort of bond will form between you and your Jackdaw, this is the strongest point of the game, by far!!

 3.- The story, I think the story although is assassins creed oriented, is very good, it engage you, since the beginning, wanting to play more and more, the encounter of each famous pirate, the money and idealistic ideas you have, battling the Templars, all of this makes a very good story that you don't want to miss.

 4.- The gameplay is great, combat is just as exciting as ACIII, Sound hits top marks also, the voice acting is great and appealing. It feels great to be sailing the open sea and your crew start singing sea shanties, really draws you into this world of pirates.

 For all that reasons I recommend you to buy this awesome game, it has been one of the best games of the franchise, I hope you like it and please remember to donate anything, remember everything counts.

 Please donate here:

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