I just moved from Blogger to Over-Blog, the next week I will be posting the old posts in my new blog, here is the new link:
The MultiShow
martes, 29 de abril de 2014
sábado, 26 de abril de 2014
Assassins Creed 4, why should I buy it??
Here are some reasons why you should buy it:
1. - One of the first things that will impress you in Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag is its size. The open seas are huge, and the areas are filled with activity and objectives that come and go at a constant clip. The world is so big that you’ll need use fast travel every now and then, but only because you know the space between your current and next objective will be way too distracting and long to survive. In fact, there’s almost too much to do in this space. You can’t go two minutes without meeting a shipwrecked sailor, picking up cargo, engaging in naval combat or harpooning a shark. The diversity and constant barrage of activities makes this world seem alive and addicting all at once.
2. - The naval exploration, combat and upgrades all feel fantastic in Black Flag. You’ll command the Jackdaw on the seas of the Caribbean, and you’ll love it. Naval combat is fun and everything about the experience is rewarding. You get new weapons, the ability to seamlessly board and loot any ship you've defeated and even an online ship convoy mini-game. As you outfit your ship and bring new crew members aboard, a sort of bond will form between you and your Jackdaw, this is the strongest point of the game, by far!!
3.- The story, I think the story although is assassins creed oriented, is very good, it engage you, since the beginning, wanting to play more and more, the encounter of each famous pirate, the money and idealistic ideas you have, battling the Templars, all of this makes a very good story that you don't want to miss.
4.- The gameplay is great, combat is just as exciting as ACIII, Sound hits top marks also, the voice acting is great and appealing. It feels great to be sailing the open sea and your crew start singing sea shanties, really draws you into this world of pirates.
For all that reasons I recommend you to buy this awesome game, it has been one of the best games of the franchise, I hope you like it and please remember to donate anything, remember everything counts.
Please donate here:
1. - One of the first things that will impress you in Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag is its size. The open seas are huge, and the areas are filled with activity and objectives that come and go at a constant clip. The world is so big that you’ll need use fast travel every now and then, but only because you know the space between your current and next objective will be way too distracting and long to survive. In fact, there’s almost too much to do in this space. You can’t go two minutes without meeting a shipwrecked sailor, picking up cargo, engaging in naval combat or harpooning a shark. The diversity and constant barrage of activities makes this world seem alive and addicting all at once.
2. - The naval exploration, combat and upgrades all feel fantastic in Black Flag. You’ll command the Jackdaw on the seas of the Caribbean, and you’ll love it. Naval combat is fun and everything about the experience is rewarding. You get new weapons, the ability to seamlessly board and loot any ship you've defeated and even an online ship convoy mini-game. As you outfit your ship and bring new crew members aboard, a sort of bond will form between you and your Jackdaw, this is the strongest point of the game, by far!!
3.- The story, I think the story although is assassins creed oriented, is very good, it engage you, since the beginning, wanting to play more and more, the encounter of each famous pirate, the money and idealistic ideas you have, battling the Templars, all of this makes a very good story that you don't want to miss.
4.- The gameplay is great, combat is just as exciting as ACIII, Sound hits top marks also, the voice acting is great and appealing. It feels great to be sailing the open sea and your crew start singing sea shanties, really draws you into this world of pirates.
For all that reasons I recommend you to buy this awesome game, it has been one of the best games of the franchise, I hope you like it and please remember to donate anything, remember everything counts.
Please donate here:
What WWE Needs to Do in my Opinion
1.- They need to get rid if not all then almost all of the cheesy writers and novelists, especially those who doesn't know anything about wrestling, and do stupid comedy and unfunny jokes, at least bring good writers, that do good comedy and entertaining spots, bring people that knows the industry or that at least is a fan of it, that will improve a lot the quality of each program, and the WWE would have better stories not only for the main-eventers but also for the mid-carders, which will benefit everyone.
2. - Return the importance and meaning of being a champion, with the exception of the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, and maybe the Divas champion, all of the other champions loose constantly, in the old days, the champion was tough, he wasn’t bitten every 2 to 3 weeks, and in some cases even weekly!! in the old days they were protected and when they lose they had a title shot, that should return know, that would make the things way more interesting, especially in the mid-card part of the roster, and I think having USA champion and the intercontinental champions doesn´t work anymore they should also merge the titles.
3.- Revamp the tag team division, the WWE was getting back in the right place the once forgotten tag team division, but with so many tag teams breaking out, and with the lack of serious contenders for the title, this division little by little is disappearing, so they need new tag teams, they should bring up the Ascension from Nxt and maybe make some new teams with wrestlers that are currently doing nothing, like Tyson Kid and Justin Gabriel, that will give the Usos real competion and will make the tag team division relevant again.
4.- Make the divas division appear in the WWE map, which will be no easy thing, because of the excellent job WWE has done to ruin the divas division, even in decent matches the people start chanting boring or are uninterested, and that’s too bad, because the talent is there, divas like Paige, Aj Lee, Emma, Layla, Natalya, Summer Rae, and even divas like Alicia Fox could revive the divas division, but they need good storylines, and air time, they give them like 2 to 3 min, how can they do something in 2 min???.
5. - Push the right guys, there are people like Dolph Ziggler, who I don't why are not pushed correctly even though they are very hot with the crowds, have good mic skills, and are good wrestlers, they receive mid-card treatment or even jobber treatment, this need to change so we can have more real superstars.
6. - Don't kill the momentum of some wrestlers, do you remember Zack Ryder??? there was a time when he was really hot, the people were chanting his name, and he even became USA Champion, but he got the blame of bad ratings, and from then on he became a jobber, that has happened to many wrestlers that could have become maybe not main eventers, but enshrined mid-carders.
That’s all, I hope you like it, please donate anything you want, that helps me a lot, and please leave any comments.
Please donate here:
2. - Return the importance and meaning of being a champion, with the exception of the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, and maybe the Divas champion, all of the other champions loose constantly, in the old days, the champion was tough, he wasn’t bitten every 2 to 3 weeks, and in some cases even weekly!! in the old days they were protected and when they lose they had a title shot, that should return know, that would make the things way more interesting, especially in the mid-card part of the roster, and I think having USA champion and the intercontinental champions doesn´t work anymore they should also merge the titles.
3.- Revamp the tag team division, the WWE was getting back in the right place the once forgotten tag team division, but with so many tag teams breaking out, and with the lack of serious contenders for the title, this division little by little is disappearing, so they need new tag teams, they should bring up the Ascension from Nxt and maybe make some new teams with wrestlers that are currently doing nothing, like Tyson Kid and Justin Gabriel, that will give the Usos real competion and will make the tag team division relevant again.
4.- Make the divas division appear in the WWE map, which will be no easy thing, because of the excellent job WWE has done to ruin the divas division, even in decent matches the people start chanting boring or are uninterested, and that’s too bad, because the talent is there, divas like Paige, Aj Lee, Emma, Layla, Natalya, Summer Rae, and even divas like Alicia Fox could revive the divas division, but they need good storylines, and air time, they give them like 2 to 3 min, how can they do something in 2 min???.
5. - Push the right guys, there are people like Dolph Ziggler, who I don't why are not pushed correctly even though they are very hot with the crowds, have good mic skills, and are good wrestlers, they receive mid-card treatment or even jobber treatment, this need to change so we can have more real superstars.
6. - Don't kill the momentum of some wrestlers, do you remember Zack Ryder??? there was a time when he was really hot, the people were chanting his name, and he even became USA Champion, but he got the blame of bad ratings, and from then on he became a jobber, that has happened to many wrestlers that could have become maybe not main eventers, but enshrined mid-carders.
That’s all, I hope you like it, please donate anything you want, that helps me a lot, and please leave any comments.
Please donate here:
viernes, 25 de abril de 2014
Ren A Brand New Fantasy Web Series
I will post its original description from the site http://www.rentheseries.com, I thinks its an amazing project by an amazing director, but I will begin with:
What is Ren?
Ren is a new original fantasy series from producer and director Kate Madison, the creator of the hugely successful Lord of the Rings prequel Born of Hope which has had more than 26 million online views. The team behind Ren ran a successful crowdfunding campaign in 2013 with fans contributing more than £35,000 towards the project. Pre-production has started on Ren Season One, which will consist of 6 ten-minute episodes created especially for the web.
If that doesn't pull you in, then maybe a little summery of Ren may change your opinion.
When a sheltered young woman, Ren, is possessed and her face branded by a powerful ancient spirit she becomes feared by all who see her. Even when banished from her home and hunted by the powerful ruling order of the Kah’Nath she refuses to accept her fate and journeys across the land to discover what she is and if there are any others like her. Joined on her perilous quest by a small band of outcasts, led by the charismatic Hunter, she discovers that the truths she has been taught may all have been a lie.
So as you can see this project will be amazing!!!! for more information or to back Ren check the following site: http://www.rentheseries.com.
Please donate here:
What is Ren?
Ren is a new original fantasy series from producer and director Kate Madison, the creator of the hugely successful Lord of the Rings prequel Born of Hope which has had more than 26 million online views. The team behind Ren ran a successful crowdfunding campaign in 2013 with fans contributing more than £35,000 towards the project. Pre-production has started on Ren Season One, which will consist of 6 ten-minute episodes created especially for the web.
If that doesn't pull you in, then maybe a little summery of Ren may change your opinion.
When a sheltered young woman, Ren, is possessed and her face branded by a powerful ancient spirit she becomes feared by all who see her. Even when banished from her home and hunted by the powerful ruling order of the Kah’Nath she refuses to accept her fate and journeys across the land to discover what she is and if there are any others like her. Joined on her perilous quest by a small band of outcasts, led by the charismatic Hunter, she discovers that the truths she has been taught may all have been a lie.
So as you can see this project will be amazing!!!! for more information or to back Ren check the following site: http://www.rentheseries.com.
Please donate here:
Clash of Clans Biggest Update Ever!!
Level 5 Valkyrie, well at least in the developers opinion, if you don't believe check this I think clan wars has been the biggest update ever, but this update is something many people has been waiting for, I think it will make the game more interesting, but and I say but, because we don't know if the new valkyries are not overpowered like the hogriders were at some point, eventhough I think this will be a very good update, maybe not the biggest but certainly one that will change the game.
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Please donate:
Doing this takes a lot of time, so please donate anything, everything counts, so please donate here:
In all the future entries I will be posting this button, so again please donate anything.
In all the future entries I will be posting this button, so again please donate anything.
martes, 18 de junio de 2013

There have been many protests in Brazil because of the increase in taxes and transportation tickets, people are upset that all the public money for construction, for hospitals and for schools is being used to build stadiums, so the protests continue, so in some places in Brazil party time is over, sometime the social problem are so big that they affect other areas of the society, too sad this happening, I am a big football soccer fan, hope they can get to a peaceful solution, without more violence.
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